Monday, January 10, 2011

Writing Chain: "Success is...." by Class 2NE1

            Hi! My name is Ayoung or Stephanie Yoon and my Writing Chain topic was "Success is...."
But the topic wasn't really related to the essay... :p Still, please enjoy my essay and please leave a comment!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???For me??? Oh.. I almost forgot. I expected the words will fill up the whole pages,but isn't that full..;;So,it's not a long essay,but I hope you enjoy our essay!!!!

<<dosen't he looks similar to you??? He's the main character..hhh

     "Success is a result for working hard. Even though it's not a good result, if you worked hard,if that's when you feel happy, then it means that you are almost near to the success. Every one believes that success has to be a happy result." Peter read aloud. He sighed. Nothing seems legible to him. He put the book back on the shelf and tried to pick another book. The books made him bored and put him into sleep, but that was the exact idea why he was reading books. 'I need to get some sleep..'thought Peter. He opened the book and scanned the whole page. In a second, he noticed that there were 32 Is' in the whole page. "I wonder if anybody else knows that..' He thought.

       He finaly went to sleep. In his dream, he saw his family on the land. (In his dream, his real life is a sailor who has a lot of homesick.) The very next morning, Captain Columbus said, "Wake up!!!Wake up!!!" Peter didn't want to wake up, but he had to. He ate bisckets and cheese for breakfast. His job is to write a journal about the journey. Well, a real long one. He wrote some things on diary.

       "Dear diary, today I woke up in a ship with Columbus. Also, I had to eat bisckets and cheese. I hope I'll survive..." He wrote. Then he had to do all the work on the boat. One day, some of the crew's hair started to fall out and their teeth crumbled. Also, some of them were already dying!!! That night, when he was in the ship, he's hair started to fall and his teeth started to crumble. The other crews told him that he was going to die in alot of pain. There was no cure for this sickness unless he eats pig's booger(gross!)and monkey's brain, grinded. He was scared, and then BOOOOOM!!!!!!! The ship was circling around when he woke up on his bed at home. 'Whew~' he thought.

        'Good thing that it was a dream' Peter stood up. He was a 17 years-old boy who dreamed alot about having the adventures over the sea. But recently, he hated himself by dreaming all of those. 'It's just a rubbish dream that can never happen...!' Peter told him self, and decided not to think about it anymore. He started to wear his uniforms. He's youngest sister, Lucy peeked through his door knob and said,"Don't tell me that you dreamed about another sea-sailing dreams."

         Peter mumbled,"I wasn't..geez lu. Why are you so obssessd with my dreams?"

        "Because, our dad's not coming back forever! That's why! Even though you say he is lost in the sea, it dosen't mean tht he is alive!" Lucy told him.

         "Lucy's right, you know.." They turned around as their mom came to Peter's room.
         "Susan, Edmund, Lucy, and I are getting used to this life with out your father, but why can't you?" His mother spoke in the sadness.

          Peter said nothing and he stormed out of his room.